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Thinking about getting a puppy? Already have a dog and need some guidance? We can help!

Dogs have their own set of behavioral problems. Lack of proper training methods may badly affect your dog's behavior and turn your beloved pet into a disobedient, aggressive or unruly dog. As a dog owner, you should be aware of these problems and train your dog accordingly.

We can help you with all of your training needs, from puppies to seniors. Whether you need help with puppy training, are having behavioral problems with your dog, or want to work on obedience training – it's never too late to teach your dog. 

We have been in business since August 31, 2009, and since that time, we have serviced over 1,000 clients and their dogs by offering behavioral boot camps and boarding. As of April 20, 2021, we will not be offering boot camps or doggy boarding. We will only be focusing on providing home training sessions which are held at our behaviorist's home.

Some examples of behavioral problems are:

Jumps on people to greet them

Pulls on the leash when walked

Gets excited when sees another dog/person while walked

Incessant barking

Picks up things off the floor

Rushes through open doors

Won't leave objects/other dogs alone


Resource guards (ex. Food aggressive)

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